Getting Started with Blitz Spectra: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting Started with Blitz Spectra: A Step-by-Step Guide

This chapter provides a comprehensive guide to using the Blitz Spectra platform to start predicting real-world events. Follow these steps to begin.

1. Connecting Your Wallet

To get started on Blitz Spectra, connect your wallet by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button in the top right corner of the homepage. Follow the on-screen instructions to link your wallet to the platform. This is a crucial first step to access all features.

2. Creating a Market

After connecting your wallet, navigate to the "Markets" section by clicking the "Open dApp" button or going there directly. To create a market, go to the "Create a Market" section on the right-hand side of the page. Here, you can fill in the necessary fields to set up your market. For example, creating a market on whether a specific token will reach a $10 million market cap in June might look like this:

Once satisfied with your market details, click "Create Market." Remember, to ensure fairness and prevent misuse, only the Blitz Spectra team can cancel or settle bets. If you need to cancel a market, contact us ASAP.

3. Predicting Outcomes

After creating a market, you can predict the outcome of your event or any other market created by the community. Return to the "Markets" section and select a market. For instance, you might choose the market you just created:

To make a prediction, select "Yes" or "No," choose the amount you wish to bet (in ETH), and complete the transaction. The market probabilities update with each bet, and your funds are locked in. If 100% of the bets are on one outcome, the market might look like this:

Once the event concludes or the timer expires, the Blitz Spectra team will settle the bet, and winners will receive their payouts.

4. Referrals and Rewards

Blitz Spectra offers a referral system that allows users to earn part of the fees generated by their referrals. This system encourages community growth and user engagement.

To participate, go to the "Rewards" section of the website. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find your unique referral link. Share this link with friends to start earning. When a referred user connects their wallet using your link, you will earn 1% of the 3% fees (or 0.3% of the 1% fees for token holders) they generate. To claim your referral rewards, go to the top of the "Rewards" section and click "Claim Rewards."

By following these steps, you can fully utilize the Blitz Spectra platform to predict outcomes and earn rewards.

Last updated