Blitz Spectra Safety

Investing in crypto carries inherent risks, including scams and "rug pulls." Therefore, it is crucial for projects to implement measures to ensure investor safety and robust governance. Blitz Spectra is committed to the following steps to protect our investors:

Liquidity Lock

All initially provided liquidity is locked through UniCrypt [LINK]. Any additional liquidity added later will also be locked for a similar duration, ensuring consistent security.

Contract Renounce

To guarantee that no functions in our contract can be altered after launch, we have renounced ownership of our token. This ensures that the contract is immutable. Proof of this renouncement can be found here: [LINK].

Contract Audit

Blitz Spectra contract and launch will be handled by $LAUNCHR platform, this means the smart contract will be a 100% safe. What is LAUNCHR? LaunchR is a platform for developers that combines token generation, pooling creation, and initial purchase in one block for cost-effective token acquisition.

Last updated